- What is the difference between Peruvian, Brazilian, Indian, and Malaysian Hair?
Peruvian hair is the coarser and thicker hair out of the four. It blends well with African American hair that has been relaxed. Brazilian hair tends to have a shiny and silky texture. It typically holds curls longer than the other types of hair. Indian Hair has the tendency to dry into its wave pattern, but can be easily straightened or curled. This hair is great for more looose version of curls. Malaysian hair the shinest hair of the four, but the shine tends to lessen after a few washes giving it an even more natural appearance. Curls also stay in their original form without any products.
- How much hair is in each bundle and how much hair is typically needed?
Each bundle holds between 3.5-4 oz of hair for lengths under 18 inches. As the length increases, so does the amount of hair. For hair lengths in the 12-18 inch range 3 bundles are typically needed for a full head. For hair lengths above 18 inches 4 bundle would be needed for a full head. We offer all types of bundle combinations. If you do not see the one you want listed please contact us for prices.
- How long does the hair normally last?
Maintainace is the key to keeping hair healthy and shiny. If hair is properly taken care of it has the ability to last at least 8-12 months or more. Hair should be washed as if it were your own hair. NEVER BRUSH OR COMB HAIR WHILE WET. This will cause the hair to become extremely damaged and tangled. Hair should also be deep conditioned after every wash. Adding conditioning oils to hair may also be helpful.
- How long after ordering my hair should I expect to receive it?
Processing usually takes 2-7 business days. We send all hair through priority mail which takes 2-3 business days. **NO REFUNDS only exchanges will be made if orders are incorrect**